That small room contained the sum total of the family's possessions 那个小房间放着这家人的全部家当。
A family's strength is signalized by its possessions. 一个家庭的力量体现在它拥有的财产上。
It covers a very wide scope such as living environment, health, employment, food, family life, friends, education, material possessions, leisure and recreation, and so on. 它包含很广的范围,例如生活环境、健康、就业、食品、家庭生活、教育、物质财富、休闲和娱乐,等等。
That message, Buick hopes, will resonate especially strongly in the current economic climate when people are more sensitive about boasting to family and friends about possessions. 别克希望,在当前的经济环境下,这种宣传语能引起尤为强烈的共鸣&当下,人们对于向家人和朋友炫耀财富更为敏感。
Look at family photos and possessions that affect you, actively recall the best and the worst moments you had together, and try to remember your dreams about them. 看着让你感动的家庭照片或物品,主动回忆你们过去有过的最美好和最糟糕的时刻。另外,努力记住你对他们做的梦。
The rest of the family began to carry boxes filled with his possessions to the car while his wife sat in his office and held that rock. 其他家人开始把装着他那些物品的箱子搬上车,而他妻子则坐在他办公室里,捧着那块石头。
In order to settle the karma with his wife and family, all physical plane possessions, property and savings were given to them in the divorce settlement. 为了解决和他妻子及家庭的业力,在离婚协议中,所有物质层上的财产、动产和积蓄都留给了他们。
The family flew off with all their possessions. 这家人携带着他们所有的财物乘飞机离去。
When the crash came, the family was forced to dispose of most of its possessions. 家庭破落时,这家人只得变卖大部分家产。
Elimelech and his family gathered their few possessions and walked to the land of Moab. 利米勒和他的家人收拾起他们不多的财产去了摩押之地。
The family was furious when the old man's entire possessions went to his housekeeper. 当这位老人的全部遗产都给了他的女管家时,全家人都气疯了。
In the aspect of crime crimeless, the dissertation mains to discuss the issue of using theft, stealth of possessions of one's own family or those of his/ her near relatives, appropriation of lost property and illegal taking of possessions of the dead. 在罪与非罪方面,主要对使用盗窃、盗窃自家或近亲属财物、拾得遗失物、非法取得死人财物等问题进行了探讨。
The centripetal force of the clan lies in its economy which is characterized by the clan men's living together in a family and sharing their possessions, and it advanced cultural tradition. 宗族内部的凝聚力,源于同居共财的经济生活与保持优势的文化传统。